Outsourcing Time to Think

In recent times, more businesses are opting to outsource their design work and engage in partnerships for critical thinking; a strategic move that not only generates exceptional results but also reclaims valuable time. By entrusting these responsibilities to external professionals, businesses can access a wider range of skills and innovative solutions without overburdening their in-house teams, while gaining back their own time to think about other projects.

However, with rising costs and the pressure for innovation increasing, how do you know if this is the right choice for you?

Avoiding Tunnel Vision

Proximity to your innovation is a huge challenge we explored in depth in our latest article, ‘The Benefits of a Fresh Perspective’. No matter how experienced you are in your industry, it’s important to remember you are not your customer, and that you should be constantly challenging your own assumptions to avoid behavioural patterns repeating themselves. When ideas are being recycled and critical evaluation is taking a backseat, it might be the right time to look elsewhere for an honest opinion.

Outsourcing ideation can provide a fresh perspective and break this cycle.

For example, Smallfry excels at the cross-fertilisation of ideas from different sectors. From Quanta’s SC+ haemodialysis device’s origins as a fruit juice filtering system, to the use of piezo film in our flashing training shoe design, we are well-versed in blending insights and innovative solutions from various industries.

Understanding the Risk of Failure

While businesses often think that working alone can speed up the production of a product, if it doesn’t go to plan then the process must begin again with a decreased budget and a fast-approaching deadline. This situation can be largely avoided by bringing in industry experts to ensure that what you’re creating is correct and relevant from the get-go. Save your budget in the long run by not cost cutting at the start.

The Speed of Execution

We’re all aware that being late to the game can put you back significantly and give competitors the opportunity to gain valuable market share. When timelines are tight, leveraging a consultancy’s expertise and resources can greatly increase your ability to meet your deadlines whilst still ensuring high-quality outcomes. Consultancies provide professionals with specialised knowledge and experience, who can quickly address challenges and streamline processes.

Pros of Outsourcing:
  • Access to specialised skills and knowledge. Businesses may know what it’s like to do well but have lost the expert leadership. If you partner with the right consultancy, their industry insight can steer you back on course, and in the direction of success and business growth.
  • Increased efficiency and productivity. When you have experts taking the weight of the firefighting and day-to-day problems, your attention can be redirected to your strategy and the future of your business.
  • Fresh perspectives on product and service development. Consultancies offer new ideas and candid feedback to prevent oversight and provide insights that can significantly enhance your product or service’s user appeal.
Cons of Outsourcing:
  • Potential loss of control over the project.
  • The risk of communication leading to unsatisfactory outcomes.
  • The challenge of finding a consultancy that aligns with your goals and business values.

Smallfry combat these issues by clarifying the brief with you and putting controls in place to keep project progress visible from the very start. When commissioned, we home in on your set goals and objectives, and focus our undivided attention on providing results and therefore growing your business.

Mistakes to Avoid:

1. Underestimating Planning and Strategy

It’s essential to ensure that the consultancy you choose is fully aligned with your business strategy to maximize effectiveness. If you can’t recognise or find any examples of a consultancy’s previous collaborations or the success of their designs, they may not be the best choice. Consultancies who have worked on NPD with reputable brands usually have more experience working within a larger business strategy.

2. Choosing a Team with a Limited Skillset or Network

It’s important that you pick a consultancy with a broad skillset, whether that’s within the consultancy or through their network. At Smallfry, we provide strategy, research, design, and business support services, as well as working with partners such as IMed Consultancy to provide quality and regulatory management for medical projects. (You can view our full list of services here).

3. Looking for the Lowest Price

A phrase used often at Smallfry, “If you think the professionals are expensive, you should see how much the amateurs will cost you”.

When looking for a design consultancy, it’s important to strategically consider the areas you’re willing to compromise on – or if you’re willing to compromise at all. Choosing a cheaper option often means sacrificing the quality of the work, or the completion speed.

Final Thoughts

Outsourcing your design work and critical thinking can unlock numerous benefits for your business. From broadening your perspective to increasing efficiency, external expertise can be transformative. It prevents tunnel vision by introducing fresh, innovative ideas—keeping your products and strategies competitive.

Additionally, specialised skills and insights from consultancies like Smallfry can refresh your approach, leading to success and growth. Faster execution times also mean you can meet tight deadlines without compromising quality.

As you think about the future of your business, it’s essential to weigh these pros and cons carefully, aligning your outsourcing decisions with your specific needs and objectives. Selecting a consultancy with a proven track record and an understanding of your industry, like Smallfry, ensures that the move to outsource adds genuine value to your projects.


Still doubting whether you need to outsource your product design?

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