The Innovation Audit

Innovation can be a tricky game to play when the goal of an organisation is unclear.

Without agreement and a unified vision, business objectives can be interpreted differently, ideas can become muddled, and confusion can arise that stops progress dead in its tracks.

To maximize New Product Development potential, you need an established and clear vision that everyone is behind. This vision can then create alignment and eliminate any confusion. When everyone understands the goals of their business, and all departments come together with a unified purpose, innovation and progress become attainable.

A few years ago, Smallfry developed The Innovation Audit and used it to lead alignment workshops for businesses. The results of the completed audits allowed Smallfry to create diagnostic reports, assessing the teams in areas including priorities, risk, and an aligned vision.

Today, we have a refreshed version of The Innovation Audit on offer.

Answer a series of questions and we’ll provide you with a report on your team’s alignment.


Request your innovation audit from a member of our team here.